Yard waste pick up will resume on May 19. We are supposed to have our items out by 6:00AM that day. It may not be picked up for several days, but we are to leave it out until it is picked up. At that point yard waste, in our neighborhood, will be every two weeks from that day, not necessarily the usual garbage day. Yard waste pick up will resume on RECYCLE days. There is no discussion of the weekly pick up that we have been have had.
Limbs and brush should be tied in bundles less than 5 feet in length.
Yard waste bags should be absolutely clear plastic or biodegradable. No more than 15 bags at a time.
Yard waste can also be placed in a container with lifting handles, weighs less than 75 lbs, and the container is no larger than 35 gallons.
Many Thanks to Peggy Reaugh for tracking down this information for us all!
Please do not throw yard waste into the storm channels throughout areas of the neighborhood bordering some homes.
Doing so blocks drainage of storm water and creates a flooding liability risk to neighbors property.
For information of yard waste disposal options, follow this link to the:
City of Raleigh Garbage and Waste Information